I finished my externship on Saturday and so now I am officially a Medical Assistant! I am very proud of myself for doing this and just loving what I do. Of course I need to find a paying job now, but the good news is that the supervisor at my site is trying to get me hired. It would be the ideal place to work too, since they are open 7 days a week and they know that I am going back to school for my RN, they are willing to work with me on hours. Please keep your fingers crossed that they call me soon to start.
I am taking my Life Span Psych class at Waubonsee right now and loving it. The teacher is awesome and it's really interesting. I will be taking Speech, English 102 and Microbiology in the fall. My plan in to get the pre req's done by next summer so hopefully I can start the actual RN program in the fall of 2011. We shall see if that all pans out.
The boys are enjoying their summer, I think, so far. I wish we had the money to actually go somewhere. It's been 2 years since we've been on a vacation as a family and I miss those times. Tyler has been busy with football camp/practice, umpiring again and he's also working for my sister and brother in law just helping finish their basement and other odd jobs. He will be getting his license next month and knows that he'll have to start paying for gas money. Jacob is trying to find ways to raise money for a cause he's very interested in, It's a group that works on saving whales and other marine life. they have a show on Animal Planet called the Whale Wars. It's very good and I am so proud of him for doing this. We will be having a garage sale in July and he will have his own table set up with baked goods and crafts and all the money he makes will go to his cause. Austyn, well he's the same, playing his electronics and watching tv. Though all the boys do get outside and play too, they love playing with the neighbor kids having water fights! lol Guess they are all still "little" at heart.
Well I gotta go and get Tyler from practice soon! Have a fantastic day!