Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm doing it again!!

Well I finished my classroom part of school back on May 13th and started my externship on Monday the 17th.  It's at an urgent care place, which I love, and it's open 7 days a week, which is also okay with me since if I end up at a hospital is what I will do anyway.  I average between 25 and 30 hours a week so it will take me a bit longer than a month, but by the end of June I will have my diploma for Medical Assisting. 
However, I am not done with school..ha ha ha.  I just registered today for a psychology class that is one of the pre req's I need for the RN program at Waubonsee Community College.  That starts on June 7th and is twice a week at night!  I am loving school and all the learning, but I am really loving working with real people and helping them when I can.  I am learning tons and the people there are wonderful and helpful too.  Wish I could say the same for all the other externs there, but I do get to work with Maria, who I have been in school with since the beginning.  =)

The boys are out of school now for the summer already and the boredom has started!!  yikes, they are gonna be in for a surprise when I post the chore list for them on the fridge to start Tuesday! I'm such a mean mom  bahahahaha.  Tyler and Jacob both have English homework over the summer for their Honors English (AP for Tyler).  Jacob gets to read the book Dandilion Wine and do a bunch of writing about it and Tyler will be reading The Cather in the Rye  and I think he has to do an essay on it as well.  Neither of them are happy about it, but that's what happens when you're smart.  I can't believe Jacob is a Freshman and Tyler is a Junior now!  They both have made me so proud with their accomplishments so far.  I know there are many more proud moments to come.  I guess I did something right in raising them, they are both fine young men.
Tyler will be getting his driver's license on July 15th, or there about too. Hopefully his dad will find something for him to drive soon too.  We are covering the insurance and he's getting the vehicle. I'm not sure I got the better end here though....hmmmmm.  oh well, it will help with all the running around we do for Tyler and his sports. 

Well I need to run, but wanted to drop a line and let everyone know I'm still around, just been really busy lately.  I don't see that stopping any time soon either, but I will try to get here more often!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Almost done

Yep, I'm almost done with school!!  I have 2 more days of actual classes and then I have to do 160 hours of externship and then I graduate!!  I cannot believe how fast time has flown by, probably because I have made some very good friends and good times always go by way too fast.  I am really gonna miss seeing them every day, but I do know in my heart that we will be friends for a long time! 
I am nervous about my externship because I will have to be doing procedures on real  not that the other students are "real" but you get used to doing the procedures on the same people for weeks on end.  Does that make sense?  I still don't know where I am doing my externship, but that's par for the course with my school, I've heard.
I have an appointment on May 19th to meet with a counselor at Waubonsee Community College to get started with the classes I need to take before applying for the RN program there!  Yep, I graduate with my MA degree in about a month and then will jump right back into school...I'm not getting any younger!  ha ha
I did find out great news though, it seems that my gen ed classes I took waaaayyy back when..will still transfer!  I won't have to retake the English, Math and Psychology courses..that will help a ton.
Well I need to go to bed, I have been so tired lately and just can't seem to catch up on sleep...probably from my low iron levels and high PTH levels, hopefully all of that will be fixed soon too!